Hi ,my name is Steve Cavalcanti and here is where you gonna find the words behind the image, a place where im gonna explain some of my ideas,my thoughts and technics and everything that may cross my delusional mind and soul

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

This is a example of how the image look like before and after,that kind of work involve at least 25 different layers,more than 30 different kind of brushes and about 7 different photos all carefully cutout of their background.

Most of the time i have a idea in mind but when i put all pieces together another idea comes out changing completely the original idea ! This one for exemplo,i was in the process of testing different tones for the new draw like skin when by mistake i added green ,thats when i thought "Wow that just look like a pimp my ride version of the witch from OZ " here it go ,the concept was created ,then i went searching for the right hat and broomstick and the black cat.

In my delusional mind i always create a piece as a image of a story,almost like a movie poster ,in this one in particular i was thinking in a grow up Doreth that end up backing to the OZ world and this time instead of bringing her house,was her car but in the moment that shes back she finds out that the evil witch not really died and was there waiting for her !

The original image is courtesy of the amazing photographer Marcus J. Ranum : http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/